Well, it was nice while it lasted! You have gotten word that the end is near, and Armageddon is right around the corner. (Actually, it begins tonight!) Since it may be a while before you can get to the store, today might be a good time to gather as many supplies as possible. After all, tomorrow might be the beginning of a long, cold, (nuclear) winter!
Reiner Knizia's Zombiegeddon is a fast-paced, perfect-information, strategy game. Each player spends the first half of the game rushing around the board collecting supplies and trying to stop your pesky neighbors from taking stuff that is rightfully yours. (At least as far as you are concerned…)
The second half of the game is spent trying to survive. Sure there is some good stuff around, but it certainly isn't plentiful and let's face it, everyone is still trying to take it before you do! (from the back of the box)
Zombiegeddon contains a 22 inch by 16 inch game board, 216 assorted supply, Ammo, barricade markers and zombie disks, 16 player pawns, and rules. This is a game for two to four players ages 12 and up. It plays in roughly 60 minutes.